Pregnancy and Dentistry

When our receptionist was over six months pregnant she remembers going to her prior dentist for a cleaning just like she normally did. However, she was surprised to find out that she would not be receiving her cleaning that day. Pregnancy affects a lot of things, and it affects your dental visits as well. Here’s a few things you might want to be aware of during your pregnancy.

When should I visit the dentist?

You need to make sure you get your checkup and regular cleaning done before you are six months pregnant because it is recommended only to do emergency treatment after six months. It is good to be aware that you will have that window. During your pregnancy most insurances will cover an extra cleaning. If you want to know if that’s the case for your insurance all you need to do is call your insurance and they can let you know.

Since I found out I was expecting I’ve noticed my gums are swollen and bleed when I brush.

This is something can happen for a few reasons. During your pregnancy your body has a lot more blood so swelling and bleeding can be caused by that. There’s also changes in hormones levels that cause this. Bleeding can also be an indicator for periodontal disease. You will want to have an exam to check for periodontal disease so you can eliminate it as soon as possible. Periodontal disease can cause low birth weight and is very important to get it treated as soon as possible.

If emergency treatment is needed when is the best time to get it done?

If treatment is recommended, the safest time to get it done would be the second trimester. During the first trimester your baby is doing the most growing, so scheduling a regular cleaning and a checkup is a wonderful idea. However, after six months only emergency treatment will be scheduled. Getting a check-up early on will help prevent emergency care during your last trimester.

Why can’t I receive treatment after six months?

Once you are six months pregnant treatment should be avoided because when you lay on your back in the dental chair the oxygen could be cut off from the baby. Laying on your back when you are pregnant is also often very uncomfortable.

Making sure you are taking care of your mouth is important all the time, but especially when you’re pregnant. If you need to schedule an exam, feel free to call us at Gentle Care Dentistry & Implants. Our number is (520) 458-9460
