Orthodontics in Sierra Vista, AZ

Gentle Care Dentistry & Implants

General Dentist & Dental Implant Provider located in Sierra Vista, AZ

A Straighter Smile Awaits at Gentle Care Dentistry and Implants

Are you feeling self-conscious about your smile? Do crooked teeth or a misaligned bite make you uncomfortable? You don’t have to worry anymore! It’s time to break free and let your confidence shine. At Gentle Care Dentistry and Implants, led by Dr. Kent Hales in Sierra Vista, AZ, you can achieve the straight, radiant smile you’ve always wanted with traditional braces. 

Our talented team has years of experience in effective orthodontic treatment and transforming smiles. Call (520) 458-9460 today to schedule your orthodontic consultation with Dr. Hales.

A Straighter Smile Awaits at Gentle Care Dentistry and Implants

Are you feeling self-conscious about your smile? Do crooked teeth or a misaligned bite make you uncomfortable? You don’t have to worry anymore! It’s time to break free and let your confidence shine. At Gentle Care Dentistry and Implants, led by Dr. Kent Hales in Sierra Vista, AZ, you can achieve the straight, radiant smile you’ve always wanted with traditional braces. 

Our talented team has years of experience in effective orthodontic treatment and transforming smiles. Call (520) 458-9460 today to schedule your orthodontic consultation with Dr. Hales. 

What Are Braces?

a girl has braces checked by her orthodontistBraces are orthodontic appliances that gently move teeth into proper alignment. Traditional braces are small metal brackets bonded to each tooth, connected by a wire. 

Over time, this wire applies gentle pressure, gradually shifting teeth into their ideal positions. While wearing braces requires patience, the result is a beautifully straight, healthy smile that will boost your confidence.

When Are Braces Necessary?

Braces can correct a variety of orthodontic issues, including:

  • Crowded or overlapping teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Overbites, underbites, or crossbites
  • Misaligned jaws

By addressing these problems, braces improve the appearance of your smile and enhance your oral health and function. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems.

The Benefits of Traditional Braces

Orthodontics with Dr. Hales offers various benefits for our patients:

  • Effective for Many Issues: Traditional braces are versatile and can treat virtually any orthodontic problem, from mild cases to complex situations.
  • Durable and Long-Lasting: With proper care, traditional braces can withstand the daily wear and tear of eating, speaking, and other activities, ensuring successful treatment outcomes.
  • Customized Treatment Plans: Dr. Hales takes a personalized approach to orthodontics, carefully adjusting each patient’s braces as needed to achieve optimal results.
  • Cost-Effective Option: While braces require an investment, they are often more affordable in the long run than alternative orthodontic treatments.

The Braces Process at Gentle Care Dentistry and Implants


At Gentle Care Dentistry and Implants, your journey to a straighter smile begins with a comprehensive evaluation. Dr. Hales will thoroughly examine your teeth, discuss your goals and concerns, and develop a customized treatment plan.


Once your braces are in place, you’ll attend regular adjustment appointments. During these visits, Dr. Hales will make necessary tweaks to your braces, adjusting the wire and brackets to ensure your teeth are moving in the right direction. He will also monitor your progress, ensuring your treatment stays on track.


The duration of treatment with traditional braces varies, but most patients wear them for 12 to 24 months. The length of time depends on the severity of your orthodontic issue and how your teeth respond to the treatment. 

Throughout the process, Dr. Hales and his team will provide guidance and support, answering any questions you may have and addressing any concerns that arise.

Caring For Your Smile With Braces

While wearing braces, you’ll need to make some adjustments to your daily routine to ensure successful treatment and maintain good oral health:

  • Dietary Changes: To protect your braces from damage, you’ll need to avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that could dislodge the brackets or wires. Dr. Hales will provide a list of recommended and restricted foods to help you make braces-friendly choices.
  • Oral Hygiene: Proper oral hygiene is crucial when you have braces. Brushing, flossing, and using specialized orthodontic tools will help keep your braces and teeth clean, preventing plaque buildup and reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Schedule Your Braces Consultation With Dr. Hales!

Don’t let crooked teeth or bite issues hold you back any longer! Contact Gentle Care Dentistry and Implants today at (520) 458-9460 to begin your journey toward a confident, radiant smile with traditional braces. Under the experienced guidance of Dr. Kent Hales and his skilled team, you’ll receive personalized care and support throughout your entire orthodontic treatment. 

Take the first step towards the smile of your dreams — schedule your consultation in Sierra Vista, AZ, now! With traditional braces from Gentle Care Dentistry and Implants, you’ll soon be able to smile with confidence and pride. We’re proud to serve the Sierra Vista area, including surrounding communities like Whetstone, Huachuca City, and Charleston, AZ.


before orthodontics
after orthodontics